Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Stoll Trail

After resting from Lookout Louise I decided to try my luck at going back out to Scoville Point again. I considered it to be good luck as I passed a butterfly and a bee gathering nourishment from this flower.

So forward I went...determined to get finally to Scoville Point 2.3 miles away....crossing roots, stones rocks and overcoming whatever obstacles necessary!

Of course stopping at any and all interesting flowers and fungi! I don't think I have ever seen so many mushrooms either in variety or just in number over my entire life as I did here in just a week! So, it was not uncommon for me to be hiking and just stop! Shortly after this stop after gathering a snack of blueberries I saw what I thought was another mushroom under some plant cover....I bent down for a closer look and lifted up the plant to see it better...it was definitely NOT a mushroom.....

but some sort of animal hide as I carefully pulled it out from under the brush for a closer look! It wasn't a whole animal, but a section of hide, still pliable but clean. After poking at it I left it where it was...but kept wondering... The following day I asked one of the rangers who identified it as a hunk of moose hide! But then all sorts of questions followed..."where did you find this?"..."Stoll Trail"..."EXACTLY WHERE on Stoll Trail"...."???not to far in, maybe 1/2 mile?, after a bunch of rocks and blueberries at the beginning of a shaded area on Rock Harbor side". I'm sure that was super helpful! Perhaps if they had numbered markers every so often that might help. So, apparently they dispatched a ranger to check it out....there might be a downed moose nearby. I checked back later that day but they were unable to locate the hide. Something had most likely already carried it off. This was as close to a moose that I would get on this vacation.
Oh goody, more lichen...

and I found a nice example of concentric lichen on a sunny rock.

Not really sure where exactly Scoville Point was I just kept heading northeast following the water.

Every once in a while the sky would grow dark and clouds sweep over....then the sunshine would poke back through.

The Herring Gull seemed to be telling me to keep going...that I wasn't quite there yet.

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