Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Mission: Mackinac Bridge Walk....the Finish Line

I really like this angle, a bridge tower within a tower!

Finally, nearly complete with Mackinac City close in my sights. I was nearly there! It seemed to be getting crowded again for some reason,

and then I looked behind me!Thousands of folks headed in my direction! I didn't pause too many times for photos after this, after crossing the finish line, I sill had to walk a good mile to get to the school buses that would take me back to my car in St. Ignace. Walking back is NOT an option. Walking is allowed north to south ONLY! I needed to be in Grand Rapids by 4 or 5 pm and had a schedule that I needed to keep.

 I did stop momentarily though to look at the interesting waves that Lake Huron was bringing to Mackinac City.
Finally, at 9:15 a.m....the finish line was just a few feet ahead! I crossed it just shortly over 2 hours from starting, I would have made better time if I hadn't paused to take 400+ photos! But, I was there to conquer a fear and have fun, not to win a race. There was no prize for finishing first, just happiness, a sense of accomplishment,  and a certificate for finishing.

I DID IT!!!!!! Me proudly holding the official certificate I was presented with at the completion of the 2011 Labor Day Mackinac Bridge Walk. Just past the finish line, I was able to purchase a stamp that was placed on the certificate that was cancelled by the United States Postal Service. Now I'll have to think about my other phobias...

1 comment:

  1. Kriste,
    Just checking out your blog...very interesting.
    Your photos are great and you really have a way with words.
    I will be checking back, keep up the good work.
    Wilma White (Rite Aid)
