Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Mission: Mackinac Bridge Walk...And She's Off!

At exactly 7:01 a.m. my feet started to move forward for the 5 mile trek that would take me across the Mackinac Bridge and arrive in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan in Mackinac City. This photo is a little blurry to say the least, but I had to take it while walking rather than risk being run over by the masses.

Shortly after the walk began, I veered over to the side as I felt that it would be less crowded here and would be better to stop on the side for photo-op's rather than in the middle of everyone. The sky was lightening up, I was hoping for another spectacular sunrise like I witnessed on Saturday, but no luck like that today.

The sky did have some nice pink hues to it though, but the cloud cover was too dense. Perhaps that was a good thing as without the heavy cloud cover, the morning temperatures would have been significantly colder!

Even the Moose from Mission Pointe joined the festivities. I also saw Ronald McDonald, but he was a bit too quick for me.
All of a sudden, fellow walkers were oooohing and aaaaahhhhhing about something...turns out a rainbow had appeared! It seemed to start in the Lower Peninsula near McGulpin Point and reached St. Ignace!I wish I had thought to pack my polarizing filter so that I could make the colors stand out more!

Finally, sunrise....I wished that I could just stop and relax for 5-10 minutes and just watch the sun rise up from the horizon to light the world. In all reality, I would have been trampled or at the minimum been bumped into several times. Not really wanting any more bruises, I continued on.....just sort of slowly though.

And to think that the folks here, within a few hundred feet of me, were just a small percent of those that would arrive today to walk the it as well! Here's buses bringing even more people from Mackinac City to be dropped off at the starting line.
One major obstacle to those handicapped folks that joined me in crossing the bridge were these expansion joints of some sort. I can't remember how many of them there was, I'm thinking at least 4-8, but it did pose a significant hazard to those in wheelchairs and strollers. They had to be navigated quite carefully as I saw many having momentary difficulty.
By now it was maybe 7:30 or so, and I started to spy these lunchboxes that made me think of chicken! I was starving! Keep in mind, I had already been up over 3 hours, ok. I did have some snacks in my pack, but then again, stopping, digging it out, eating it...didn't seem too worth it at the time. I could wait until I was done.

Sunrise was over, and it was now hidden totally above the clouds. But at least it wasn't raining on our "parade".

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