Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Moooooooo..ving along.

Sunday evening, I joined Michelle for an outing with her photography club, the Clay County Shooters. We were to meet near Manhattan, Kansas at the Tuttle Creek Dam. We had a brief downpour and strong gusts of wind upon arrival and the weather wasn't looking very promising, especially for views of a nice prairie sunset. But, we caravanned anyway toward location number one

 The first stop was at the edge of a small lake, the sky was extremely overcast and I didn't feel the scenery was all that spectacular. However, there was a large flock of migrating Franklin's Gulls.

The sky did lighten up for a few minutes, allowing me just enough time to capture the only area that I found interesting, which ironically, was not the water.

Stop number two, provided more excitement for me. There were a few dozen cows. Very curious/agitated cows. There were only 2 vehicles that spent any time at this location. Of course, we were one of those!

The cows quickly moved in to investigate. Trotting actually, I was surprised as I had never seen a cow move that quickly! And mooooing very loudly as they approached! It seemed as they were cussing us out for trespassing!

As I exited my Durango  to get a closer look, I was careful to leave my door open just in case I needed to retreat to safety!

I was brave enough, for a half a minute, to pose and turn my back to them, making sure to wave my finger at them, warning them to stay!

 See what I mean...they looked ANGRY!
 I was worried that this lady wouldn't be allowed passage back to her vehicle. But, she was able to walk through the crowd without incident.

 On to stop number three, we were all hoping for a picture perfect prairie sunset, but that would not happen tonight. Nor would we see the full moon as it rose in the opposite direction, also obscured by heavy clouds.
Here's Michelle, doing her best to impersonate her favorite adventure photographer, Peter Lik!

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