Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Was it Real?...or Just a Fantasy?????

Well..this entry was to be the first in a series of my most recent adventure to Isle Royale National Park and the U.P. It all started on Friday July 23rd, an hour later than I had planned...but still pretty good after working a 13 hour day and having to load the car and take the fur-kids to the kennel. Having a VERY brave day I made it ALL the way across the Mackinaw Bridge! I had considered pulling over and calling for an escort...but like I said I was having a brave day. So I put on my big-girl pants, white-knuckle gripped the steering wheel at 10 and 2, said a quick prayer and went for it! Just as I left land my cell phone rang....no way in hell I was going to take my hands off the wheel! So, looking straight ahead, breathing deeply I encouraged myself (out loud).."you're doing great...." and giving myself updates "ok you're halfway done...good job...NO DO NOT LOOK TO THE SIDE KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE ROAD STRAIGHT AHEAD!". I felt such a sense of accomplishment that when I reached the tollbooth I asked the man if they had any stickers or anything that reflected such an accomplishment....um, no he said and smiled. I reached for my phone and found out cousins Jack and Janet had not meant to scare the crap out of me (ironic of all times to call that moment??? weird maybe they knew I needed some encouragement)...but just wondered how far I had made it and to remember to be safe. I think they could hear me beaming with pride over the phone! After a visit in St. Ignace with family friend Virginia, I went to a little spot I remembered going as a kid to take a photo of the Mighty Mac on this sunny day....and several photo's I took. This morning I was beginning to organize and download my photos...only to realize....I was missing these.....as well as the few dozen I took Saturday at Quincy Mine and Hoist in Hancock....and of Eagle Harbor Lighthouse...and waterfalls too! I checked and re-checked and have a vague memory of re-formatting a memory card with some "old" photos on it in preparation for one of my hikes on Isle Royale. I have a terrible habit of keeping my very favorite shots on the memory card itself (even though its on the computer and an external hard-drive to boot) to make it easier for me when I create my annual calender. I remember before I re-formatted it looking and saying to myself...oh. this is old stuff I've got it in 2 places, I'll just press this button and save myself the trouble of manually deleting 75 or so photos and concentrate on watching where I'm walking. sigh. LISTEN UP... when packing your stuff to go on vacation....clear ALL your memory cards as you pack your camera bag...this way you don't have that kind of oopsie to worry about. So...for the next few entries...you'll have to use your imagination....at least I didn't screw up and lose the BEST ones!

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