Monday, October 10th was an absolutely beautiful sunny, cloudless day in Kansas! So, my cousin Michelle, her friend Marcella and I decided to go out exploring, with our cameras of course. We stopped to view our first destination, St. Michael's Catholic Church in Kimeo from a distance, but Michelle was a bit disappointed to learn that instead of practicing my composure of a faraway church, I was more into the fence posts....again.

St. Michael's was established as a congregation in 1870, but this particular house of worship was erected in 1870.
It was a nice church and all, well maintained, but not super interesting.

When my surroundings do not immediately interest me, but I don't have the freedom to leave, I begin to explore. THAT'S when things get interesting! Usually quite quickly! I said to Michelle, "I wonder what's under those doors?". This piqued her interest and she was a good sport to give them a lift to see!
Here she is...carefully opening it back...(these two photo's were a reenactment...sorry, I didn't think we would really have anything of interest).

After lifting, the lid, we looked down the hole...nothing much. And then I said " Huh, look at that piece of black almost looks like a snake! hahaha". Marcella screamed loudly that it WAS a snake! EEEEEEKKKKK!!!! Michelle QUICKLY dropped the lid to the cellar! (What a rude awakening to the snake, he most likely suffered permanent hearing loss!!!).
After Marcella had ran from the area screaming, I said to Michelle..."Hey, can you lift that up again so I can get some more pictures?". Oh yeah! Up went the lid as I squatted at the edge of the opening leaning toward the snake, but being VERY careful not to fall in the hole. This was probably not the smartest idea I ever had....fortunately, it was only (I found this out weeks later) a Western Rat Snake and not anything poisonous that could/would have lunged at me to strike!

We must have disturbed him for about 5 minutes or so when he decided to travel down the wall into the depths of the basement of the church. Michelle had a stick that she began to clear cobwebs out of his way but this caused him to lose his grip and he made it to the bottom a bit faster than I believe he intended.
We watched to make sure he was ok...he slithered away into the darkness cobweb and all! SLAM went the cellar door as we went to locate Marcella.
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