Sunday, November 14, 2010

Drive through Central New York

Saturday, October 9th I left Allentown, Pa for a scenic drive through Central New York and Ontario to arrive back home by about 9pm. This billboard was near Chincoteague and I found it pretty funny....however, I must have thought it didn't apply to photography while driving!

The color was near peak and it was just a beautiful sunny day and I thoroughly enjoyed all of the autumn color...just not enough to pull over and take pictures (I probably would have never been able to pull back onto the road with the heavy traffic!).
So, I learned to look ahead, and blindly aim the camera out the passenger window...I did manage to capture a few shots of the interior of the car due to bad aim or a bump!

I pulled off 81 at LaFayette, NY to take a side road (20) as decided by Richard the GPS. However, Richard was NOT aware that this weekend was the LaFayette Apple Festival! It was stop and go traffic for about 3-4 miles and took about 30-40 minutes to get past the entrances. It really looked like a good time, but I really
wanted to stop in Seneca and wanted
to be back home in my own bed by
that evening! So, I continued on my way, but...if I'm ever in central NY in the fall...I will make it a point to return and enjoy the festivities for the day!

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